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Physics of Now at Source 2nd production.

Play Productions 2010's



The Cure (staged reading)

"Workshop Series"

The Bechdel Group

New York, NY

On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Frank Maddock Hight School

Drayton Valley, Alberta Canada

Split Pea Pod (staged reading)

Best Medicine Rep

Gaithersburg, MD

On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Phillips Andover Acadey

Andover, MA


"Tri-State Theatre Festival"

South Street Players

Baltimore, MD

On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Johns Hopkins University

Baltimore, MD

On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

14th Grade Players

Washington, DC

On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Emporia High School

Emporia, KS


"Asphalt Jungle Shorts"

Flush Ink Productions

Kitchner, Ontario

The Harsh

"Short and Sweet Gold Coast"

Short and Sweet

Brisbane, Australia

Speed Play

"Colonial Quickies"

Colonial Playhouse

Aldan, PA

Speed Play

"Theatre Roulette"

Madlab Theatre

Columbus, OH


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Metropolitain State University of Denver

Denver, CO

On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Cristo Rey Jesuit

Houston, TX

The Other Six

"Zero to Sixty: Ten-Minute Play Festival"

Longwood University Theatre

Farmville, VA


Inga Roundhead


"Five Minute Mile"

Cone Man Running Productions

Houston, TX


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Brock University Dramatic Arts

St. Catherines, Canada


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

North County Union High School

Newport, VT

On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Pekin Community Hight School 

Packwood, Iowa


"Short and Sweet Dubai"

Short and Sweet @ The Junction

Dubai, United Arab Eremites


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Parkway Southwest Middle School

Kansas City, MO



On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Truman University

Kirksville, MO


On the Floor (Korean version)

A Clean Dislike (Korean version)

"Workshop Performance"

Yonsei University Social Science Theatre Club

Seoul, Korea



"10 Minute Play Festival"

Seoul Players

Seoul, Korea


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Central College

Pella, IA


Brenda Gets Herself Slapped


Left Coast Theatre

San Francisco, CA 


The Other Six

"Tri-State Theatre Festival"

South Street Players

Spring Lake, NJ


On the Floor

The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

Slap Happy

The Physics of Now

The Wandering Blues

A Clean Dislike

Four Dry Tongues

15분 연극제

15 Minutes Theatre

Incheon, Korea



"Samuel French Off-Off Broadway Short Play Festival"

Samuel French @ The Vineyard

New York, NY


Precipice (staged reading)

"Readings at the Cafe @ Books & Books"

City Theatre

Miami, FL


The Bend in the Tree

"Festival of Originals"

Theatre Southwest

Houston, TX


A Clean Dislike

"One Act Play Festival"

Old Academy Players

East Falls, PA


Precipice (staged reading)

"National Award Finalist Reading"

City Theatre

Miami, FL



"Colonial Quickies"

Colonial Playhouse

Aldan, PA


Abigail Has an Elaborate Quarter-Life Crisis

"InspiraTO Festival 13"

Theatre InspiraTO

Toronto, Canada


The Harsh

"This Round's On Us: Hear"

Nylon Fusion Collective

New York, NY


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Liberty High School Black Box Theatre

Renton, WA


Third-First Person (staged reading)

"Cafe Nostra Series"

Wilmington Film Mob

Wilmington, DE


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Heritage Christian Schools, Inc

New Berlin, WI


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

The Wandering Blues

On the Floor

Four Dry Tongues

Third-First Person

All About Art

D.Festa Daehangno Street Performance Festival

15분 연극제

15 Minutes Theatre

Seoul, Korea


The Other Six

"Theatre Roulette"

Madlab Theatre

Columbus, OH


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Batavia High School

Batavia, IL


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Palo Alto High School

Palo Alto, CA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Chaminade Julienne High School

Dayton, OH


Grilling the Octopus

"10 Minute Play Festival"

Bellarmine University

Louisville, KY


Agnes and the Vegan Burrito (podcast reading)

Madhouse Theatre

Philadelphia, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Verona High School's Spotlight Players

Verona, NJ


The :nv:s:ble Play

Cone Man Running Productions

Houston, TX



“Short + Sweet Festival”

Short + Sweet

Sydney, Australia


The Pear-Shaped Man Fights Crime (staged reading)

"Playpenn Education Reading Series"


Philadelphia, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Lillian Osborne High School

Edmonton, Canada


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

San Leandro High School Dramatic Arts

San Leandro, CA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Speech Club

Pleasant, IA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

NCHS Drama Club

Normal, IL


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Utica High School Theatre

Utica, MI



The Red Suitcase

“F**ked Up Xmas Special”

The World Crime League

Minneapolis, MN


A Clean Dislike

“This Round’s On Us: The C Word”

Nylon Fusion Collective

New York, NY



“Tri-State Theatre Festival”

South Street Players

Spring Lake, NJ



“A Fright Night”

The Barrington Collective

New York, NY


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

East Chapel Hill High School

Chapel Hill, NC



“What Keeps Me Awake”

KDC Theatre

London, UK


The Physics of Now

“Source Festival”

Source Theatre Company

Washington, DC


A Clean Dislike

“Colonial Quickies”

Colonial Playhouse

Aldan, PA



“The Seven: Truth or Consequences”

Fusion Theatre

Albuquerque, NM


A Clean Dislike

“Black Box Theatre Festival”

Ritz Theatre Company

Haddonfield, NJ



“The Strand Project”

Selah Dessert Theatre Lit Youngstown

Struthers, OH


The Wandering Blues

“Asphalt Jungle Shorts”

Flush Ink Productions

Kitchner, ON


The Physics of Now


Ixion Ensemble

Lansing, MI


A Clean Dislike

“Theatre Roulette”

Madlab Theatre

Columbus, OH


As Colonel Meredith Eastwood Floats in Space

“200 Miles Off-Broadway”

Darkhorse Dramatists

Binghampton, NY


Postcoital Variations (staged reading)

“Voices of Pride”

New Route Theatre

Bloomington, IL


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

East Chapel Hill High School

Chapel Hill, NC


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Black Box Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Victoria School of the Arts

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Slap Happy

A Clean Dislike

“Short Play Festival”

Lake Sumter State College

Leesburg, FL



“Scenes From the Staten Island Ferry”

Sun Dog Theatre

Staten Island, NY


Grilling the Octopus

“Political Aftermath”

Open Fist Theatre Company

Los Angeles, CA



“Pulp Love Stories”

Pulp Theatre

Portland, OR



“Skinny Dipping With Our Clothes On”

This is Water Theatre

Bryan, TX


Grilling the Octopus

“Brief (Political) Encounters”

ReVamp Collective

Philadelphia, PA


Speed Play

“Schreiber Shorts 2017”

T. Schreiber Studio

New York, NY


Sally Sock (staged reading)

“If On a Winter’s Night...”

Everyday Inferno Theatre Company

New York, NY


Speed Play

“New Works Winter Festival”

Acme Theater Productions

Maynard, MA



On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Coe-Brown Northwood Academy

Northwood NH


The Red Suitcase

“Naughty Theatre Festival”

Alpha NYC Theatre

New York, NY


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Souhegan High School

Amherst NH


She Licks His Face in the End

“Five Minute Mile”

Cone Man Running Productions

Houston, TX



“Bewitching Festival”

Lionheart Theatre Company

Norcross, GA


Agnes and the Vegan Burrito (staged reading)

"Dewey 2016: Election Edition Festival"

Chappaqua Library Theatre

Chappaqua, NY


Lava Floor

“Tri-State Theatre Festival”

South Street Players

Asbury Park, NJ


Cannibals Gone Bad

“Paragon Festival”

Otherworld Theatre

Chicago, IL


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Phillips Academy

Andover, MA


All About Art

The Left One

“Asphalt Jungle Shorts XIII”

Flush Ink Productions

Kitchner, ON




Huge Improv Theatre

Minneapolis, MN


Jan-Candy and the Elvis Tattoo (staged reading)

“One Act Play Festival”

Piney Fork Press Theatre

New York, NY


Man in Peril

“GPS Gay Play Series”

Ringwald Theatre

Ferndale, MI


The Bend in the Tree

“Black Box New Play Festival”

Gallery Players

Park Slope, NY


Man in Peril

“In the Garage”

Studio C Artists

Los Angeles, CA


Man in Peril

“The Source Festival”

Source Theatre Company

Washington, DC


The Physics of Now

“Colonial Quickies”

Colonial Playhouse

Aldan, PA


Oliver Plummets to His Eventual Death

“Gone in 60 Seconds”

Screaming Media Productions

Brooklyn, NY


Eight Naked Noras (staged reading)

“PDC Bake Off”

Philadelphia Dramatist Center

Philadelphia, PA



“One Act Festival”

Cooperative Performance Milwaukee

Milwaukee, WI


Date #3: The Long Hug Goodnight

“Theatre Roulette”

Madlab Theatre

Columbus, OH


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

The Lawrenceville School

Lawrenceville, NJ


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

University of Northwestern St. Paul

St. Paul, MN


A Clean Dislike

“Festival of One Act Plays”

Theatre Three

Port Jefferson, NY


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Phillips Academy Andover

Andover, MA


The Pear-Shaped Man Fights Crime (staged reading)

“Readings in Cafes”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center & Bodhi Cafe

Philadelphia, PA


Mary is Sleep Deprived (staged reading)

“Another Taste of Rotten Theatre”

Cupcake Lady Productions

New York, NY


The Hard Woo (staged reading)

The Other Six (staged reading)

“Primary Stages: Cha-Cha-Changes”

Iron Age Theatre

Philadelphia, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

River Falls Community Theater

River Falls, WI


The Physics of Now

“10 Minute Play Festival”

Parish Players

Thetford, VT


Skank by Proxy (staged reading)

Executive Secretary (staged reading)

“Sketch in Hand Reading”

Madhouse Theatre; Philadelphia, PA




On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

”The Dirty Dozen”

Western Connecticut State University

Danbury, CT


Slap Happy

“Five Minute Mile- Theatre on the Run”

Cone Man Running Productions

Houston, TX


The Zombie Aesthete

“One Act Play Festival”

Neumann University

Aston, PA


Sally Sock

“Around the World in 8 Plays”

Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga

Chattanooga, TN


The Red Suitcase (staged reading)

“Under Rehearsed Reading Series”

Rising Sun Performance Company

New York, NY


Sally Sock

“Around the World in 8 Plays”

Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga

Chattanooga, TN


The Zombie Aesthete

“Tri-State Theatre Festival”

South Street Players

Asbury Park, NJ


Speed Play (staged reading)

“Primary Stages: Back in Black”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center

Philadelphia, PA


Date #3: The Long Hug Goodnight

“Street Corner Plays”

Theatre Neo

Los Angeles, CA


One Minute Play Festival

Plays and Players

Philadelphia, PA 


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

”New Works Festival”

Play Club West

Los Angeles, CA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Anonymous Theatre Company

Portland, OR



“Kauai Shorts”

Women in Theatre

Kapaa, HI


Brenda Gets Herself Slapped

“Queer Shorts 10”

Stage Q

Madison, WI


The Physics of Now

“Source Festival”

Source Theatre Company/Cultural DC

Washington, DC



“Colonial Quickies”

Colonial Theatre

Aldan, PA


The Harsh

”The Seven”

Fusion Theatre

Albuquerque, NM


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Leikfelag Kopavogs

Kopavogur, Iceland


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Theatre Arts Building TAB

Kinshasa, Congo


Meta Meta

“Theatre Roulette”

Madlab Theatre

Columbus, OH


Slap Happy (and Other Short Plays)

“Theatre Roulette”

Madlab Theatre

Columbus, OH


The Lack

“Gone in 60 Seconds”

Screaming Media Productions

Leeds, UK


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Lordes University Drama Society

Sylvania, OH


The Fog

“I Don’t Belong Here”

Adaptive Arts Theatre Company

New York, NY


Brenda Gets Herself Slapped

“BUA Takes 10”

Buffalo United Artists

Buffalo, NY



“Funny Stuff”

Pulp Theatre

Portland, OR


The List (staged reading)

“Bake Off”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center

Philadelphia, PA


Jan-Candy and the Elvis Tattoo

“Walking the Wire: Classified”

Riverside Theatre

Iowa City, IA


Four Dry Tongues

“See Hear Taste Touch”

Modern-Day Griot Theatre

Brooklyn, NY



“Valentine’s Day Monologue Festival”

Hudson Warehouse

New York NY


Speed Play

“Valentine’s Day Plays”

Almost Random Theatre

Oxford, UK


The Lack (staged reading)

“Fast and Furious II”

Stage Left Theatre

Spokane, WA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Avon Middle School

Avon, MA 



On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Het Vrije Podium

Brussels, Belgium


A Clean Dislike (staged reading)

“Nice and Fresh”

Smokey Scout Productions

Mt. Airy Philadelphia, PA



“Things that Go Bump in the Night”

White Rabbit Productions

New York, NY


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight (staged reading)

“100 Minutes of Insanity”

Play Club West

Los Angeles, CA


Damn Spot

“This Round’s On Us: Halloween”

Nylon Fusion Collective

Gloria Maddox Theatre

New York, NY


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

“North Park Playwrights Festival”

North Park Vaudeville & Candy Shoppe

San Diego, CA


The Harsh (staged reading)

A Clean Dislike (staged reading)

“Primary Stages: The X”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center

CEC Theatre

Philadelphia, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Rolling Meadows High School

Rolling Meadows, IL


The Lack

Gary Dies Alone

“One Minute Play Festival”

OMPF- Interact Theatre

Philadelphia, PA


The Zombie Aesthete

“The End”

Danton Spina Productions/Overlap Live

Shubin Theatre

Philadelphia, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Manhasset Student Productions

Manhasset, NY


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

“Colonial Quickies”

Colonial Playhouse

Aldan, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Liberty High School Black Box Theatre

Renton WA



“Horror Night”

Pulp Theatre

Portland, OR


The Zombie Aesthete

“The End”

Danton Spina Productions/Overlap Live

New York, NY


Agnes and the Vegan Burrito

“Theatre Roulette”

Madlab Theatre

Columbus, OH


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Actors Workshop Theatre

Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada



“Walking the Wire”

Riverside Theatre

Iowa City, IA


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

“10 Minute Play Festival”

Parish Players

Thetford, VT


Brenda Gets Herself Slapped (staged reading)

“Primary Stages: Heart Attacks Too”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center

Philadelphia, PA



“House Concerts”

Pulp Theatre

Portland, OR


As Colonel Meredith Eastwood Floats in Space

“Piney Fork Press Theater Festival”

Piney Fork Theater

New York, NY


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

“Heart Throbs 2”

Flying Cat Productions, Atlanta, GA



”Best of City Theatre 2.0”

City Theatre

Wilmington, DE


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

IKM-Manning CSD

Manning, IA


The Peach

“Short + Sweet Sydney”

Short + Sweet Theatre

Sydney, Australia


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Beaumont School

Cleveland Heights, OH




The Red Suitcase (staged reading)

“Words & Wine: Holiday”

FACT Theatre

New York, NY


The :nv:s:ble Play

Theatre of NOTE

Los Angeles, CA


Man in Peril (staged reading)

“Primary Stages: Flippin’ the Bird”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center: Philadelphia, PA


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

“Short Attention Span Theatre”

Fury Theatre

Chicago, IL


Four Dry Tongues

“See Hear Taste Touch”

Modern-Day Griot Theatre

Brooklyn, NY


Damn Spot (staged reading)

“Words & Wine”

FACT Theatre

New York, NY


Abstinence (staged reading)

“Pocket Pulp Chillers”

Pulp Theatre

Portland, OR

On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Playfest Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, CA



“Tri-State Theatre Festival”

South Street Players

Spring Lake, NJ


The :nv:s:ble Play

Madlab Theatre

Columbus, OH


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Janus Theatre Company

Elgin, IL


The A#%hole

Finger Guns

“One Minute Play Festival”

Interact Theatre company

Philadelphia, PA


Spit For Tat (unauthorized)

“Green Room Project”

Barking Dog Productions

Banalore, India


Date #3: The Long Hug Goodnight

“Colonial Quickies”

Colonial Playhouse

Aldan, PA


The Peach

“Short and Sweet”

Short + Sweet Theatre

Chennai, India


Four Dry Tongues

“GPS Festival”

Ringwald Theatre

Ferndale, MI


Four Dry Tongues

“In Our Home: Brooklyn Pride”

Modern-Day Griot Theatre

Brooklyn, NY


Jan-Candy and the Elvis Tattoo (staged reading)

The Physics of Now (staged reading)

“Primary Stages: Is This the End?”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center

Philadelphia, PA


Fang (staged reading)

“Ticket’s Muse June: Fantasy”

Ticket 2 Eternity Productions

New York, NY


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Westfield Theatre Group

Westfield, MA



“Theatre Roulette”

Madlab Theatre Company

Columbus, OH


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Staley High

Kansas City, MO



“10 Seconds to 4 Minutes”

Driven Theatre Company

Houston TX


Trolling (staged reading)

The Vegan Burrito (staged reading)

“Primary Stages: 4X4”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center

Philadelphia, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Kinkaid School

Houston, TX


Elvis at Stuckey’s

“Vox Feminana IV”

Pandora Theatre Company

Houston, TX


Four Dry Tongues

“I’m Not OK, Cupid :(”

Left Coast Theatre Company

San Francisco, CA


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

“Tri-State Theatre Festival”

South Street Players

Spring Lake, NJ



“The Inhuman:a Festival”

The Alley Theatre

Louisville, KY


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

“Disjointed Love Shorts”

Ticket 2 Eternity Productions

New York, NY


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Ogden-Davis High School

Hamlet, IA


Spit for Tat

“This Round’s On Us (Valentine’s Day)”

Nylon Fusion Collective

New York, NY


Spit for Tat


Over Our Heads Players

Racine, WI



“Pulp Diction IV”

The Pulp Stage

Portland, OR


Spit for Tat

“Short and Sweet”

Short + Sweet Theatre

Sydney, Australia


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Maquoketa Valley High School

Cascade, IA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

South Tama County High School

Tama, IA


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

“New Voices Festival of Plays”

Greenbrier Valley Theatre

Lewisburg, WV


As Colonel Meredith Eastwood Floats in Space

“Universal Theatre Festival 2013”

Universal Theatre, Provincetown, MA


Spit for Tat

“Short and Sweet”

Short + Sweet Theatre

Melbourne, Australia


Slap Happy

On the Floor

“NSFW: The Office Plays”

Big Head Productions

Obsidian Arts Space

Houston, TX


Conception (staged reading)

The Red Suitcase (staged reading)

“Primary Stages: Thank You!”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center

Philadelphia, PA


Spit for Tat

“Short and Sweet”

Short + Sweet Theatre

Auckland, NZ


A Statement of Fact


Theatre Out

Santa Ana, CA


Spit for Tat

“Short and Sweet”

Short + Sweet Theatre

Canberra, Australia


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

“Theatre Roulette Fundraiser”

Madlab Theatre

Columbus, OH


The Peach

“Summer Shorts”

Playwrights’ Round Table, Orlando, FL


The Mathematical Equation

“Queer Shorts 7”

Stage Q

Madison, WI


The Cranks

“Colonial Quickies”

Colonial Playhouse

Aldan, PA



“Short Play Festival”

Luna Theatre Company

Philadelphia, PA


The Zombie Aesthete

“One-Act Play Festival”

Brandywine High School

Wilmington, DE


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Santa Barbara City College

Santa Barbara, CA


The Peach

“Theatre Roulette”

Madlab Theatre

Columbus, OH


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Nova Southeastern University

Ft. Lauderdale, FL


Date #3: The Hug Goodnight (staged reading)

“Shubin Festival Readings”

The Shubin Theatre

Philadelphia, PA


Apex (staged reading)

“Men and Their Place in the World”

The Shubin Theatre

Philadelphia, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Tampa Catholic High School

Tampa, FL


Spit for Tat (staged reading)

“Best of Primary Stages Reading Series Part Too!”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center

Philadelphia, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Senior Thesis Projects

Cornish College of the Arts

Seattle, WA


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight (staged reading)


Philadelphia Theatre Company

Philadelphia, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Henrico High School

Richmond, VA


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

“Short and Sweet”

Short + Sweet Theatre

Sydney, Australia


The Zombie Aesthete


Over Our Heads Players

Racine, WI


Four Dry Tongues

“From Shelterbelt With Love”

Shelterbelt Theatre

Omaha, NE


The :nv:s:ble Play (staged reading)


Theatre of NOTE

Los Angeles, CA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

“One Act Play Festival”

Firestone Theatre Kersker Auditorium

Akron, OH



“North American New Plays Festival”

Carte Blanche Studios

Milwaukee, WI


As Colonel Meredith Eastwood Floats in Space

“Universal Theatre Festival”

Universal Theatre

Provincetown, MA


Third-First Person

“Launch 2012”

Playwrights’ Round Table, Orlando, FL




On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Nolan Catholic High School

Fort Worth, TX


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Wayne High School

Huber Heights, OH


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Central College

Pella, IA


Fang (staged Reading)

“Primary Stages: Family Matters”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center

Philadelphia, PA



“Sectioned: May Contain Nuts”

Laced Banana

Manchester, UK


The Peach


Independent Theatre Collective

Wheeling, WV


The Zombie Aesthete


Shelterbelt Theater

Omaha, NE


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Sidwell Friends School

Washington, DC


Skank by Proxy

“Lickety Skits”

Secret Room Theatre

Adrienne Second Stage

Philadelphia, PA



Christmas Lights

The Red Play


Secret Room Theatre

Adrienne Second Stage

Philadelphia, PA


The Cheever Tapes

“The Gray Area”

Ocelot on a Leash

The Rotunda

Philadelphia, PA


Wet Paper Bag

“One-Act Play Festival”

Black Box Theatre

Artists Exchange,

Cranston, RI


Spit for Tat (staged reading)

“Primary Stages”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center

Philadelphia, PA


The Peach

“The Source Festival”

The Source Theatre

Washington, DC


A Tragic Story

“Gi60: Like UK Edition”

Screaming Media Productions

Viaduct Theatre, Halifax, UK


The History of Dance


Screaming Media Productions

New Workshop Theater

Brooklyn, NY


Damn Spot

“Colonial Quickies”

Colonial Playhouse

Aldan, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Playmakers’ Readers’ Theatre


Two Women in Bed


“Pocket-Sized Plays”

Act For Charity

Shubin Theater

Philadelphia, PA


The Peach (staged reading)

“First Draft Reading Series”

First Draft Theatre

Wilmington, DE


Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

“Chaos Festival VI”

Point of Contention Theatre

Chicago, IL


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Illinois Wesleyan University

Bloomington, IL


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Lucerne Elementary Secondary

Silverton, BC


B-Sides, Rarities and Unreleased Tracks

City Theatre Company

Opera Delaware

Wilmington, DE


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

Four Dry Tongues

“Winter Carnival VIII”

Madcap Theatre Company: H Street Theatre

Washington, DC




On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Bluffton University

Bluffton, OH


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

James Madison University

Harrisonburg, VA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Berea College Theatre Laboratory


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Colleges of the Fenway

Boston, MA


Damn Spot

“Shorts and Sweets”

Rogue Machine Theatre


Los Angeles, CA


Sally Sock

“Dirty Laundry”

Secret Room Theatre

Plays & Players Theater

Philadelphia, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

City of Elgin

Elgin, IL


Sally Sock

“Spark Festival 2010”

Theatre Alliance of Greater Philadelphia

Plays & Players Theater

Philadelphia, PA


Third-First Person

“Acts on the Edge”

Edgemar Center

Santa Monica, CA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Westtown School

West Chester, PA


On the Porch One Crisp Spring Morning

Crown Point High School

Crown Point, IN


The Narcoleptic Pillow Fight

Four Dry Tongues

“Roulette 2010”

Madlab Theater

Colombus, OH


The Sleep Detective (staged reading)

“PlayShops Festival”

Philadelphia Theatre Workshop

Shubin Theater

Philadelphia PA


Bad Mattress (staged reading)

“Peanuts and Cracker Jacks Overnight Challenge”

Philadelphia Dramatists Center

Plays & Players Theater

Philadelphia, PA


Abstinence (aka “Pre-Marital Sex)

“The 24-Hour Cram”

Plays & Players Theater

Philadelphia, PA


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